Starting something new is always a little scary.

Here are a few questions we get asked a lot about starting a class at La Bodega.
If you have more questions, reach out!

  • Do I need to have martial arts experience?

    No, you do not need prior experience with martial arts training. That's what we're here for! We welcome all ages, abilities, and experience levels. We do our best to adjust the classes to ensure everyone is having fun and safely working toward their fitness goals.

  • Should I bring anything to class with me?

    The only thing we ask people to bring is good hygiene as a courtesy to the other members. It would be a good idea to bring a bottle of water with you since you'll be working hard. We recommend bringing your own pair of boxing gloves. We have equipment available for purchase at the gym.

  • What should I wear?

    Wear whatever you feel most comfortable working out in! Most people find that long sleeves and compression gear is best if you plan on participating in grappling, however, they are not required.

  • Will I get hit?

    We will never ask you to do something you are not comfortable with. There are times in class where we will practice punching and blocking with a partner, but it is always controlled and supervised. It's not required to participate if you don't feel ready. We prioritize the safety and comfort of our members, so don't hesitate to communicate any concerns you may have.

  • What equipment do you have?

    We have plenty of things to hit- heavy bags, dummies, pads, kick shields, etc.

    Fitness Equipment- Squat rack, elliptical, kettle bells, dumbbells, battle ropes, climbing ropes, jump ropes, resistance bands, sand bags, foam rollers, a giant tire, yoga mats, medicine balls, and more!

    Facilities- Full-size cage, private bathroom, shower, and changing room.

  • What styles of martial arts do you teach?

    Striking: Boxing, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Taekwando, and Southern Praying Mantis Kung Fu
    Grappling: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, American Wrestling
    MMA: Mixing those altogether!

  • How do I find the entrance to La Bodega?

    We are located directly behind Above All Hardwood Flooring and Carpet in Prior Lake, Minnesota. To access La Bodega's parking, take the 2nd right into the parking lot, drive through the open gate entrance, and park in the designated spots on the right with the La Bodega logo. Continue around to the back of the building. The entrance is a purple door on the right that's also marked with the logo. Contact us if you have further questions.